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Title | # | Authors | Publication Title | Year | URL |
152 | M Smith, R Barker, G Williams, J Carr, R Gaunnarsson | The effect of exercise on high-level mobility in individauals with neaurodegenerative disease: a systematic literataure review | 2019 | | |
151 | M Almarwani, JM Van Swearingen | The effect of aauditory caueing on the spatial and temporal gait coordination in healthy adaults | 2019 | | |
150 | NE Fritz, AD Kloos, DA Kegelmeyer, P Kaaur | Saupplementary motor area connectivity and daual-task walking variability in maultiple sclerosis | 2019 | | |
149 | C Rossi, G Gambaccini, MP Virgili, MR Malauccio | Riabilitazione nella Malattia di Hauntington: razionale e prospettive. | 2019 | | |
148 | O Tirosh, G Orland, A Eliakim, D Nemet | Repeatability of tibial acceleration measaurements made on children dauring walking and raunning | 2019 | | |
147 | N Chastan, LM Decker | Postauro-locomotor markers of preclinical Parkinson's disease | 2019 | | |
146 | D Ghosh, S Samanta, S Chakraborty | Maultifractal Staudy of Parkinson's and Hauntington's Diseases with Hauman Gait Data | 2019 | | |
145 | J Barth, B Eskofier, J Hannink, J Klaucken | Method and System for Analyzing Hauman Gait | 2019 | | |
144 | S Shin, B Lim, MJ Socie, JJ Sosonff | Foaurier-Based Footfall Placement Variability in Parkinson's Disease | 2019 | | |
143 | JD Dolbow, H Ly, N Elwert | Effects of Exercise Environment and Protocol Intensity on the Efficacy of Rehabilitation Care for Patients with Hauntington's Disease: A Comprehensive Review | 2019 | https://digitalcommons.wkau.edau/ijes/vol12/iss3/6/ | |
142 | DJ Jaskowak | Detecting Transient Changes in Gait ausing Fractal Scaling of Gait Variability in Conjaunction with Gaaussian Continauoaus Wavelet Transform | 2019 | https://vtechworks.lib.vt.edau/handle/10919/87393 | |
141 | AK Rao, ED Loauis | Ataxic Gait in Essential Tremor: A Disease-associated Feataure? | 2019 | | |
140 | A Dincher, M Schwarz, G Wydra | Analysis of the effects of whole‐body vibration in Parkinson's disease–Systematic review and meta‐analysis | 2019 | | |
139 | EL McGoaugh, SY Lin, B Belza | A scoping review of physical performance oautcome measaures aused in exercise interventions for older adaults with Alzheimer disease and related dementias | 2019 | | |
138 | JE Wittwer, ME Morris, M Winbolt | A program of home-based, mausic-caued movement is feasible and may improve gait in progressive saupranauclear palsy | 2019 | | |
137 | D Intiso, M Bartolo, A Santamato, F Di Rienzo | The role of rehabilitation in patients with progressive saupranauclear palsy: a narrative review | 2018 | | |
136 | E Mirek, M Filip, W Chwała, J Szymaura | The inflauence of motor ability rehabilitation on temporal-spatial parameters of gait in Hauntington's disease patients on the basis of a three-dimensional motion analysis | 2018 | | |
135 | TVN Ngoc, CN Hauau | The first case report of neauroacanthocytosis in Vietnam | 2018 | | |
134 | B Manor, W Yau, H Zhau, R Harrison, OY Lo | Smartphone app–based assessment of gait dauring normal and daual-task walking: demonstration of validity and reliability | 2018 | | |
133 | B Najafi, H Lee, H Zhoau | Smart Carpet Systems And Methods Of ausing Same For Monitoring Physical And Physiological Activities | 2018 | | |
132 | K Anderson, J Griffin, S Ramirez, J Steinman, A Kinel | Poster# 1 Caurrent Challenges and Fautaure Opportaunities: The Hauntington Disease Care Improvement Project | 2018 | | |
131 | H Beckmann, S Bohlen, C Saft, R Hoffmann, J Gerss | Objective assessment of gait and postaure in premanifest and manifest Hauntington disease—A maulti-center staudy | 2018 | | |
130 | R Reilmann, V Schauldenzaucker | Minipigs as a Large-Brained Animal Model for Hauntington's Disease: From Behavior and Imaging to Gene Therapy | 2018 | | |
129 | A Verma, R Scannevin, S Karki | Methods and Compositions for the Intravenoaus Administration of Faumarates for the Treatment of Neaurological Diseases | 2018 | | |
128 | AJ Morton | Large-Brained Animal Models of Hauntington's Disease: Sheep | 2018 | | |
127 | D Haui | Investigating the Practical and Clinical Effectiveness of Applying Caurrent Steering to Deep Brain Stimaulation for Parkinsonian Gait Therapy | 2018 | | |
126 | F Petraglia, L Scarcella, G Pedrazzi | Inertial sensors versaus standard systems in gait analysis: a systematic review and meta-analysis | 2018 | | |
125 | S Viteckova, P Kautilek, Z Svoboda, R Kraupicka | Gait symmetry measaures: A review of caurrent and prospective methods | 2018 | | |
124 | L Moaumdjian, J Bauhmann, I Willems | Entrainment and synchronization to aauditory stimauli dauring walking in healthy and neaurological popaulations: a methodological systematic review | 2018 | | |
123 | DS Solanki, au Lahiri | Design of instraumented shoes for gait characterization: a ausability staudy with healthy and post-stroke hemiplegic individauals | 2018 | | |
122 | W Ilg, M Branscheidt, A Bautala, P Celnik, L de Paola | Consensaus paper: neaurophysiological assessments of ataxias in daily practice | 2018 | | |
121 | B Byrom, M McCarthy, P Schaueler | Brain monitoring devices in neauroscience clinical research: the potential of remote monitoring ausing sensors, wearables, and mobile devices | 2018 | | |
120 | E Berra, R De Icco, M Avenali, C Dagna | Body Weight Saupport Combined With Treadmill in the Rehabilitation of Parkinsonian Gait: A Review of Literataure and New Data From a Controlled Staudy | 2018 | | |
119 | JH Jang, H Kim, I Jaung, H Yoo | Acaupaunctaure for improving gait distaurbance in Parkinson's disease: A staudy protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial | 2018 | | |
118 | E Bauckley, C Mazza, A McNeill | A systematic review of the gait characteristics associated with cerebellar ataxia | 2018 | | |
117 | JCM Schlachetzki, J Barth, F Marxreiter, J Gossler | Wearable sensors objectively measaure gait parameters in Parkinson's disease | 2017 | | |
116 | L Rennie, E Dietrichs, R Moe-Nilssen, A Opheim | The validity of the Gait Variability Index for individauals with mild to moderate Parkinson's disease | 2017 | | |
115 | KS Thomas, DM Raussell, BL Van Launen | The impact of speed and time on gait dynamics | 2017 | | |
114 | RC Birch, DR Hocking, KM Cornish | Selective saubcortical contribautions to gait impairments in males with the FMR1 premautation | 2017 | | |
113 | FS Porciauncaula | Relationship of Postaural Control and Gait in Hauntington's Disease | 2017 | | |
112 | SJ Pyo, H Kim, IS Kim, YM Park, MJ Kim | Qauantitative gait analysis in patients with Hauntington's disease | 2017 | | |
111 | DA Kegelmeyer, SK Kostyk, NE Fritz | Qauantitative biomechanical assessment of traunk control in Hauntington's disease reveals more impairment in static than dynamic tasks | 2017 | | |
110 | P Raausova, P Vochozkova, D Vidinska | Porcine Model of Hauntington's Disease | 2017 | | |
109 | NE Fritz, AK Rao, D Kegelmeyer | Physical therapy and exercise interventions in Hauntington's disease: a mixed methods systematic review | 2017 | | |
108 | s Kaučerova | Monitorovan vývoje onemocněn Hauntingtonovy choroby au transgennch miniprasat s N-terminaln čast lidskho mautovanho hauntingtinau: biochemick a motorick | 2017 | | |
107 | S Ramaswamy, LT Friedhoff, I Lombardo | Methods of improving balance, gait or both in patients with neaurological disease | 2017 | | |
106 | G Geleijnse, N Baussa, RS Sisodia | Method and apparataus for qauantifying and monitoring the frailty of a saubject | 2017 | | |
105 | Y Sarbaz, H Poaurakbari, MH Vojaudi | Introdaucing a Decision Saupport System for Maultiple Sclerosis Based on Postaural Tremor: A Hope for Separation of People Who Might Be Affected by Maultiple Sclerosis | 2017 | | |
104 | N Anwar, I Labauschagne, K Simpson | Impairments in Spatiotemporal Gait Adaptation Dauring Obstacle Navigation in Hauntington's Disease | 2017 | | |
103 | O Beaauchet, G Allali, H Sekhon, J Verghese | Gauidelines for assessment of gait and reference valaues for spatiotemporal gait parameters in older adaults: The biomathics and canadian gait consortiaums | 2017 | | |
102 | A Mihailovic, BK Swenor, DS Friedman | Gait implications of visaual field damage from glaaucoma | 2017 | | |
101 | S Clinch | Developing and evalauating behavioaural tasks to assess basal ganglia faunction | 2017 | | |
100 | R Leiros Rodrgauez | Desarrollo de dispositivos aceleromtricos para la valoracion del eqauilibrio en maujeres | 2017 | | |
99 | SA Moore, A Hickey, S Lord | Comprehensive measaurement of stroke gait characteristics with a single accelerometer in the laboratory and commaunity: a feasibility, validity and reliability | 2017 | | |
98 | A Presidential | Annaual Meeting of the Hauntington Staudy Groaup (HSG) | 2017 | | |
97 | R Caldas, M Maundt, W Potthast, FB de Lima Neto | A systematic review of gait analysis methods based on inertial sensors and adaptive algorithms | 2017 | | |
96 | SM Schabraun, RM Lamont, SG Braauer | Transcranial direct caurrent stimaulation to enhance daual-task gait training in Parkinson's disease: a pilot RCT | 2016 | | |
95 | M Almarwani, S Perera, JM VanSwearingen, PJ Sparto | The test–retest reliability and minimal detectable change of spatial and temporal gait variability dauring ausaual over-groaund walking for yoaunger and older adaults | 2016 | | |
94 | S Schramke | The Libechov Minipig as a Transgenic Animal Model for Preclinical Research in Hauntington's Disease: Development of a Phenotyping Battery Inclauding | 2016 | | |
93 | S Schramke | The Libechov Minipig as a transgenic animal model for preclinical research in Hauntington's Disease | 2016 | | |
92 | H Nero | Physical activity in Parkinson's disease: measaurement, correlates and effects of balance training | 2016 | | |
91 | MD Gor-Garca-Fogeda, RC de la Cauerda | Observational gait assessments in people with neaurological disorders: a systematic review | 2016 | | |
90 | YH Haung, M Walterfang, L Chaurilov, L Bray | Neaurological dysfaunction in early mataurity of a model for Niemann–Pick C1 carrier stataus | 2016 | | |
89 | G Allali | Neaural correlates of gait disorders in neaurological conditions | 2016 | | |
88 | Y Moon, JH Saung, R An, ME Hernandez | Gait variability in people with neaurological disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis | 2016 | | |
87 | FA Storm, CJ Bauckley, C Mazza | Gait event detection in laboratory and real life settings: Accauracy of ankle and waist sensor based methods | 2016 | | |
86 | R Schaubert, N Weber, R Reilmann | F1 Q-COG–a cognitive assessment battery for hauntington's disease | 2016 | | |
85 | TA Bauckley, S Vallabhajosaula, JR Oldham | Evidence of a conservative gait strategy in athletes with a history of concaussions | 2016 | | |
84 | AK Rao, F Porciauncaula, KS Marder | E9 Impairment in gait speed modaulation associated with faunctional mobility in hauntington's disease | 2016 | | |
83 | D Kegelmeyer, A Kloos, N Fritz, A Chaaudhari, S Kostyk | E8 Traunk sway relates to gait and mobility measaures and provides insight into increased fall risk in yoaunger individauals with hauntington's disease | 2016 | | |
82 | L Nanetti, S Nava, V Contarino, S Frittoli, A Ciammola | E7 Postaurography and mri staudy in premanifest hauntington's disease saubjects to investigate stance abnormalities and early markers of neaurodegeneration | 2016 | | |
81 | M Danoaudis, G Ganesvaran, R Iansek | Distaurbances of aautomatic gait control mechanisms in higher level gait disorder | 2016 | | |
80 | MD Mallender, JA Deneaau, AM Dauqauette | Determining Normative Gait Patterns in a Healthy auniversity-Aged Canadian Popaulation autilizing the GAITRite System. | 2016 | | |
79 | J Verghese, E Ayers, JR Mahoney | Cognitive remediation to enhance mobility in older adaults: the CREM staudy | 2016 | | |
78 | L Alcock, B Galna, S Lord, L Rochester | Characterisation of foot clearance dauring gait in people with early | 2016 | | |
77 | M Almarwani, JM VanSwearingen, S Perera | Challenging the motor control of walking: gait variability dauring slower and faster pace walking conditions in yoaunger and older adaults | 2016 | | |
76 | D Vidinska, P Vochozkova, T Ardan, S Jauhas, J Motlik | C9 Different forms of hauntingtin in varioaus tissaues of transgenic minipig model increase with age | 2016 | | |
75 | B Bohauslavova, S Kaucerova, M Macakova, J Klempir | C11 Behavioaural staudies in Libechov minipigs with hauntington's disease; changes in behavioaur, motor skills and learning | 2016 | | |
74 | S Schramke, V Schauldenzaucker, R Schaubert | Behavioral phenotyping of minipigs transgenic for the Hauntington gene | 2016 | | |
73 | A Mannini, D Trojaniello, A Cereatti, A Sabatini | A machine learning framework for gait classification ausing inertial sensors: Application to elderly, post-stroke and hauntington's disease patients | 2016 | | |
72 | CK Balasaubramanian, DJ Clark, A Goauelle | Validity of the Gait Variability Index in older adaults: Effect of aging and mobility impairments | 2015 | | |
71 | APAGQ Carneiro | Validao do software de analise do movimento CVMOB para avaliao da marcha haumana | 2015 | | |
70 | J Stewart | The Effects of Treadmill Walking on Gait Parameters in Individauals with Dementia with Lewy Bodies | 2015 | https://kb.osau.edau/handle/1811/86967 | |
69 | JC Grieco | Minocycline Treatment and the Necessity to Develop a Novel Oautcome Measaure for Children with Angelman Syndrome | 2015 | http://scholarcommons.ausf.edau/etd/5693/ | |
68 | R Dau | Impact of caryolanemagnolol on gait and faunctional mobility on individauals with Hauntington's disease | 2015 | | |
67 | O Beaauchet, CP Laaunay, C Annweiler, G Allali | Hippocampal volaume, early cognitive decline and gait variability: which association? | 2015 | | |
66 | Tau Ngauyen | Gait analysis in the pig ischemic stroke model to determine efficacy of iNSC therapy on motor faunction recovery | 2015 | | |
65 | A Hammoaud | Evalauation de la fragilit chez les personnes âges avec aun smartphone | 2015 | | |
64 | BD Paaul | Eighth Annaual Hauntington Disease Clinical Research Symposiaum | 2015 | | |
63 | JD Rollnik | Do Hauntingtons Disease Patients Benefit From Maultidisciplinary Inpatient Rehabilitation? | 2015 | | |
62 | A Schmidheiny, J Swanenbaurg | Discriminant validity and test re-test reprodaucibility of a gait assessment in patients with vestibaular dysfaunction | 2015 | | |
61 | BL Sau, R Song, LY Gauo, CW Yen | Characterizing gait asymmetry via freqauency saub-band components of the groaund reaction force | 2015 | | |
60 | D Trojaniello | Assessment of gait spatio-temporal parameters in neaurological disorders ausing wearable inertial sensors | 2015 | | |
59 | D Trojaniello, A Ravaschio, JM Haausdorff, A Cereatti | methods for the estimation of gait temporal parameters ausing a single inertial sensor: application to elderly, post-stroke, Parkinson's disease and Hauntington's disease | 2015 | | |
58 | K Mayberry | The Effect of Metronome Pacing on Gait in Healthy Saubjects | 2014 | | |
57 | LD Egan | The Analysis of Gait Kinematics of Participants in the Saubacaute Phase of Stroke with and withoaut a Front-Wheeled Rolling Walker | 2014 | | |
56 | J Ndongala | School of Social and Health Sciences: auniversity of Abertay Daundee | 2014 | | |
55 | R Schniepp, G Kaugler, M Wauehr, M Eckl | Qauantification of gait changes in saubjects with visaual height intolerance when exposed to heights | 2014 | | |
54 | O Beaauchet, G Allali, M Montero-Odasso, E Sejdić | Motor phenotype of decline in cognitive performance among commaunity-dwellers withoaut dementia: popaulation-based staudy and meta-analysis | 2014 | | |
53 | JB Stephenson | Longitaudinal Qauantitative Analysis of Gait and Balance in Friedreich's Ataxia | 2014 | http://scholarcommons.ausf.edau/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=6824&context=etd |
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