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The Gold Standard in Gait Analysis for 26 years
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Title | # | Author | Publication Title | Year | URL |
5011 | N Abid | RGB-Depth Based Gait Data Analysis for Asymmetry Detection | 2019 | | |
5009 | SA Sackey | The effects of an eight-week customised endurance-training programme on running kinematics and impact associated with fatigue in recreational runners | 2019 | | |
5008 | B Shirk | The Effects of a Multimodal Intervention Program on Spatiotemporal Gait Parameters for Individuals with Parkinson's Disease | 2019 | | |
5007 | J Chellsen | The Effects of a Multimodal Exercise Program with Dual Task Training on Gait Parameters for Individuals with Parkinson's Disease | 2019 | | |
5006 | S Darweesh | Motor Functioning and Parkinson's Disease: Insights from the general population | 2019 | | |
5005 | F Arafsha | Configurable Medical Cyber-Physical System Framework for Physical Activity Monitoring | 2019 | | |
5004 | MAR Anwary | An automatic wearable multi-sensor based gait analysis system for older adults. | 2019 | | |
5003 | J Leverington, K Bell | Collaborative Physical and Music Therapy Interventions for Impairments of Chronic Stroke: A Case Study | 2019 | | |
5002 | KL Neitz | Effects of Four Years of Collegiate Sport Participation on Non-Contact, Contact, and Collision Athletes During Gait | 2019 | | |
5001 | A Jamin, G Duval, C Annweiler, P Abraham | Test de double tache sur cyclo-ergometre: Recherches preliminaires sur l'acceptabilite et l'utilisation | 2019 | | |
5000 | M Britt | Potential relationships between lower extremity structural alignment and toe angle during static and dynamic activities | 2019 | | |
4999 | WF Taber, R Wu, S Sterling, B Billings, S Peter, S Koul | Determining the Efficacy of a Vibration Induced Intervention on Improving Arm Swing and Subsequent Gait Stability in Parkinsonian Patients (P2. 8-019) | 2019 | | |
4998 | L Chatt, S Lavarone, E Iles | An Investigation of Backwards Gait Analysis (BGA) and the Standardized Walking Obstacle Course (SWOC) for People with Parkinson's Disease (PD) | 2019 | | |
4996 | U Lindemann | Spatiotemporal gait analysis of older persons in clinical practice and research | 2019 | | |
4995 | X Cui, Z Zhao, C Ma, F Chen, H Liao | A Gait Character Analyzing System for Osteoarthritis Pre-diagnosis Using RGB-D Camera and Supervised Classifier | 2019 | | |
4994 | YJ Castano-Pino, A Navarro, B Munoz | Using Wavelets for Gait and Arm Swing Analysis | 2019 | | |
4993 | V Livet, A Baldinger, e Viguier, M Taroni | Comparison of Outcomes Associated with Tibial Plateau Levelling Osteotomy and a Modified Technique for Tibial Tuberosity Advancement for the Treatment of Neurological Disorder | 2019 | | |
4991 | CA Nelson, CJ Stolle | Biomechanical foot guidance linkage | 2019 | | |
4990 | D Park, JH Lee, TW Kang, HS Cynn | Four-week training involving ankle mobilization with movement versus static muscle stretching in patients with chronic stroke: a randomized controlled trial | 2019 | | |
4989 | M Jung, E Steeves | Effects of virtual reality based physical therapy interventions on balance and gait performances of chronic hemiparetic stroke patients: a literature review | 2019 | | |
4988 | SE Wyatt, P Lafuente, G Ter Haar, RMA Packer | Gait analysis in French bulldogs with and without vertebral kyphosis | 2019 | | |
4987 | E Pelosin, C Cerulli, C Ogliastro | A multimodal training modulates short-afferent inhibition and improves complex walking in a cohort of faller older adults with an increased prevalence of Parkinson's | 2019 | | |
4986 | Y Okubo, DL Sturnieks, MA Brodie | Effect of reactive balance training involving repeated slips and trips on balance recovery among older adults: A blinded randomized controlled trial | 2019 | | |
4985 | AJ Jor'dan, B Manor, I Iloputaife | Diminished Locomotor Control Is Associated With Reduced Neurovascular Coupling in Older Adults | 2019 | | |
4984 | JR Mahoney, J Verghese | Does cognitive impairment influence visual-somatosensory integration and mobility in older adults? | 2019 | | |
4983 | CE Hession, MJ Law Smith, D Watterson | The Impact of Equine Therapy and an Audio-Visual Approach Emphasizing Rhythm and Beat Perception in Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder | 2019 | | |
4982 | C Sittichoke, J Buasord, S Boripuntakul | Effects of Compliant Flooring on Dynamic Balance and Gait Characteristics of Community-Dwelling Older Persons | 2019 | | |
4981 | YJ Um, HY Jang, SM Lee | Taping Therapy Simultaneously applied to the Ankle and Hip Joint: Effect on Balance and Gait in Patients with Chronic Stroke | 2019 | | |
4980 | JTP Kortlever, A Leyton-Mange | PROMIS Physical Function Correlates with KOOS, JR in Patients with Knee Pain | 2019 | | |
4979 | M Miles, V Nadarajah, JJ Jauregui | Evaluation of the PROMIS Physical Function Computer Adaptive Test in Patients Undergoing Knee Surgery | 2019 | | |
4978 | B Mahmood, C Chongshu, X Qiu, S Messing | Comparison of the Michigan Hand Outcomes Questionnaire, Boston Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire, and PROMIS Instruments in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome | 2019 | | |
4977 | R Magaldi, I Staff, A Stovall, S Stohler | Impact of Resilience on Outcomes of Total Knee Arthroplasty | 2019 | | |
4976 | AS Naidu, A Vasudev, AM Burhan, E Ionson | Does dual-task gait differ in those with late-life depression versus mild cognitive impairment? | 2019 | | |
4975 | MGR Almeida | Efeitos do treinamento multimodal em ambientes real e virtual no equilbrio e na marcha de indivduos ps-Acidente Vascular Cerebral: ensaio clnico aleatorizado | 2019 | | |
4974 | DC Shin | Smartphone-based visual feedback trunk control training for gait ability in stroke patients: A single-blind randomized controlled trial | 2019 | | |
4973 | SJ Oh, JH Lee, DH Kim | The effects of functional action-observation training on gait function in patients with post-stroke hemiparesis: A randomized controlled trial | 2019 | | |
4972 | R Ribosa i Nogue | Terpies no farmacologiques en la rehabilitaci de la malaltia de Parkinson: comparaci de la musicoterpia i l'entrenament cognitiu | 2019 | | |
4971 | R Eitan, H Bergman, Z Israel | Closed-Loop Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson's Disease | 2019 | | |
4970 | PT Rubery, J Houck, A Mesfin, R Molinari, MO Papuga | Preoperative Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System Scores Assist in Predicting Early Postoperative Success in Lumbar Discectomy | 2019 | | |
4969 | B Munoz, J Valderrama, J Orozco, Y Castao | Smart Tracking and Wearables: Techniques in Gait Analysis and Movement in Pathological Aging | 2019 | | |
4968 | W Mehring, N Urfer-Maurer, S Brand | The association between sleep and dual-task performance in preterm and full-term children: an exploratory study | 2019 | | |
4967 | CH Cheng, MF Wu, SH Guo, KS Chen | Realization and performance assessment of a force-sensing based smart floor panel for indoor localization applications | 2019 | | |
4966 | J Ballesteros, A Tudela, JR Caro-Romero, C Urdiales | Weight-Bearing Estimation for Cane Users by Using Onboard Sensors | 2019 | | |
4965 | S Sharif Bidabadi, T Tan, I Murray, G Lee | Tracking Foot Drop Recovery Following Lumbar-Spine Surgery, Applying Multiclass Gait Classification Using Machine Learning Techniques | 2019 | | |
4963 | T Chomiak, AS Sidhu, A Watts, L Su, B Graham, J Wu | Development and Validation of Ambulosono: A Wearable Sensor for Bio-Feedback Rehabilitation Training | 2019 | | |
4962 | A Coni, S Mellone, M Colpo, JM Guralnik, KV Patel | An Exploratory Factor Analysis of Sensor-Based Physical Capability Assessment | 2019 | | |
4961 | A Rodrguez-Molinero, A Herrero-Larrea, A Mirarro | The spatial parameters of gait and their association with falls, functional decline and death in older adults: a prospective study | 2019 | | |
4960 | N Takayanagi, M Sudo, Y Yamashiro, S Lee | Relationship between daily and in-laboratory gait speed among healthy community-dwelling older adults | 2019 | | |
4959 | A Picelli, A Brugnera, M Filippetti | Effects of two different protocols of cerebellar transcranial direct current stimulation combined with transcutaneous spinal direct current stimulation on robot-assisted device | 2019 | | |
4958 | F Khan, W Afzal, A Ahmed, M Fatima | Changes in gait parameters during multi-tasking in healthy young individuals using GAITRite system | 2019 | | |
4957 | T Stuckel, A Mau-Moeller | Cognitive control processes associated with successful gait performance in dual-task walking in healthy young adults | 2019 | | |
4956 | PW Kline, AM Murray, MJ Miller | Error-augmentation gait training to improve gait symmetry in patients with non-traumatic lower limb amputation: A proof-of-concept study | 2019 | | |
4955 | DH Bang, MS Song | The Effect of Neck Pattern of PNF on Balance and Walking Ability in Patients with Chronic Stroke | 2019 | | |
4954 | JT Lin, CJ Hsu, W Dee, D Chen, WZ Rymer, M Wu | Motor adaptation to weight shifting assistance transfers to overground walking in people with spinal cord injury | 2019 | | |
4953 | A Dincher, M Schwarz, G Wydra | Analysis of the effects of whole?body vibration in Parkinson's disease Systematic review and meta?analysis | 2019 | | |
4952 | J Yeung, D Catolico, N Fullmer, R Daniel, R Lovell | Evaluating the Sensoria Smart Socks Gait Monitoring System for Rehabilitation Outcomes | 2019 | | |
4951 | RA Leijendekkers, TJ Hoogeboom, G Van Hinte | Reproducibility and discriminant validity of two clinically feasible measurement methods to obtain coronal plane gait kinematics in participants with a lower | 2019 | | |
4950 | NK Ignasiak, DK Ravi, S Orter, SHH Nasab, WR Taylor | Does variability of footfall kinematics correlate with dynamic stability of the centre of mass during walking? | 2019 | | |
4949 | S Escudero?Uribe, A Hochsprung | Gait pattern changes after six?minute walk test in persons with multiple sclerosis | 2019 | | |
4948 | K Kane, P Manns, J Lanovaz | Clinician perspectives and experiences in the prescription of ankle-foot orthoses for children with cerebral palsy | 2019 | | |
4947 | PA Ospina, ML McNeely | A Scoping Review of Physical Therapy Interventions for Childhood Cancers | 2019 | | |
4946 | M Smith, R Barker, G Williams, J Carr, R Gunnarsson | The effect of exercise on high-level mobility in individuals with neurodegenerative disease: a systematic literature review | 2019 | | |
4945 | KJ Kane, JL Lanovaz | Physical therapists' use of evaluation measures to inform the prescription of ankle-foot Orthoses for children with cerebral palsy | 2019 | | |
4944 | B Munoz Ospina, JA Valderrama Chaparro | Age Matters: Objective Gait Assessment in Early Parkinson's Disease Using an RGB-D Camera | 2019 | | |
4943 | ST Tsai, TY Chen, SH Lin, SY Chen | Five-Year Clinical Outcomes of Local versus General Anesthesia Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson's Disease | 2019 | | |
4942 | J Ma, L Gao, T Mi, J Sun, P Chan, T Wu | Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Does Not Improve the Sequence Effect in Freezing of Gait | 2019 | | |
4941 | R Morris, DN Martini, T Madhyastha, VE Kelly | Overview of the cholinergic contribution to gait, balance and falls in Parkinson's disease | 2019 | | |
4940 | BS Na, J Ha, JH Park, JH Ahn, M Kim, JS Kim | Comparison of gait parameters between drug-naive patients diagnosed with multiple system atrophy with predominant parkinsonism and Parkinson's disease | 2019 | | |
4939 | C Du, A Smith, M Avalos, S South, K Crabtree, W Wang | Blueberries Improve Pain, Gait Performance, and Inflammation in Individuals with Symptomatic Knee Osteoarthritis | 2019 | | |
4938 | HT Goh, S Ewing, D Marchuk, A Newton, I Nyangani | Facilitation of supplementary motor area excitability improves dual-task walking in young adults | 2019 | | |
4937 | C Duchossoy, E Allart, T Wacquez, H Devanne | Impact de la fatigabilite musculaire du quadriceps sur les cocontractions spastiques entre quadriceps et ischiojambiers et sur la marche chez les patients | 2019 | | |
4935 | N Chastan, LM Decker | Posturo-locomotor markers of preclinical Parkinson's disease | 2019 | | |
4934 | A Hochsprung, AG Domnguez, E Magni | Effect of visual biofeedback cycling training on gait in patients with multiple sclerosis | 2019 | | |
4933 | NB Fernandez, M Hars, A Trombetti, P Vuilleumier | Age-related changes in attention control and their relationship with gait performance in older adults with high risk of falls | 2019 | | |
4932 | ME Wagshul, M Lucas, K Ye, M Izzetoglu, R Holtzer | Multi-modal neuroimaging of dual-task walking: Structural MRI and fNIRS analysis reveals prefrontal grey matter volume moderation of brain activation in older adults | 2019 | | |
4931 | AP Horin, ME McNeely, EC Harrison | Usability of a daily mHealth application designed to address mobility, speech and dexterity in Parkinson's disease | 2019 | | |
4930 | M Liparoti, M Della Corte, R Rucco, P Sorrentino | Gait abnormalities in minimally disabled people with Multiple Sclerosis: A 3D-motion analysis study | 2019 | | |
4929 | C Van Liew, LE Dibble, GR Hunt, KB Foreman | Protective stepping in multiple sclerosis: Impacts of a single session of in-place perturbation practice | 2019 | | |
4928 | A Rajavenkatanarayanan, V Kanal, K Tsiakas | A Survey of Assistive Technologies for Assessment and Rehabilitation of Motor Impairments in Multiple Sclerosis | 2019 | | |
4927 | D Ghosh, S Samanta, S Chakraborty | Multifractal Study of Parkinson's and Huntington's Diseases with Human Gait Data | 2019 | | |
4926 | ME Hernandez, E O'Donnell, G Chaparro | Brain activation changes during balance-and attention-demanding tasks in middle-and older-aged adults with multiple sclerosis | 2019 | | |
4925 | JH Ansai, LP de Andrade, PG Rossi | Differences in Timed Up and Go Subtasks Between Older People With Mild Cognitive Impairment and Mild Alzheimer's Disease | 2019 | | |
4924 | GC Lee | Whole-Body Vibration in Horizontal Direction for Stroke Rehabilitation: A Randomized Controlled Trial | 2019 | | |
4923 | NAG de Frana, LS Murthy, S Phu, E Liberts, S Vogrin | High parathyroid hormone levels are associated with poor balance in older persons: A cross-sectional study | 2019 | | |
4922 | A Jellema, T Huysmans, K Hartholt, T van der Cammen | Shoe design for older adults: evidence from a systematic review on the elements of optimal footwear | 2019 | | |
4921 | JS Lee, K Kim, YM Kim | Effect of Action Observation by Subject Type on the Balance and the Gait of Stroke Patients | 2019 | | |
4920 | CL McDonald, SM Cheever, SJ Morgan | Prosthetic Limb User Experiences With Crossover Feet: A Pilot Focus Group Study to Explore Outcomes That Matter | 2019 | | |
4919 | J Bertuit, C Leyh, V Feipel | Plantar Pressure During Gait in Pregnancy-Related Pelvic Girdle Pain and the Influence of Pelvic Belts | 2019 | | |
4918 | RR Neptune, A Vistamehr | Dynamic Balance During Human Movement: Measurement and Control Mechanisms | 2019 | | |
4917 | JM Burnfield, TW Buster | Adapted motor-assisted elliptical for rehabilitation of children with physical disabilities | 2019 | | |
4916 | NKH Haputhanthirige, K Sullivan | Effects of Dance on Gait, Cognition, and Dual-Tasking in Parkinson's Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis | 2019 | | |
4915 | G Allali, M Montembeault, A Saj | Structural Brain Volume Covariance Associated with Gait Speed in Patients with Amnestic and Non-Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Double Dissociation | 2019 | | |
4914 | IH Chen, YR Yang, CF Lu | Novel gait training alters functional brain connectivity during walking in chronic stroke patients: a randomized controlled pilot trial | 2019 | | |
4913 | BJH VAN LITH, JD den Boer | Functional effects of botulinum toxin type A in the hip adductors and subsequent stretching in patients with hereditary spastic paraplegia. | 2019 | | |
4912 | A Healy, K Linyard-Tough | Agreement Between the Spatiotemporal Gait Parameters of Healthy Adults From the OptoGait System and a Traditional Three-Dimensional Motion Capture System | 2019 | | |
4911 | S Viteckova, V Cejka, P Dusek, R Krupicka | Extended Timed Up & Go test: Is walking forward and returning back to the chair equivalent gait? | 2019 | | |
4910 | A Beelen, RFM Kleissen, AC Geurts | Concurrent validity and reliability of a low-cost gait analysis system for assessment of spatiotemporal gait parameters. | 2019 | | |
4909 | R Briggs, D Carey, P Claffey | Do Differences in Spatiotemporal Gait Parameters Predict the Risk of Developing Depression in Later Life? | 2019 | | |
4908 | M Montero?Odasso | Polypharmacy, Gait Performance, and Falls in Community?Dwelling Older Adults. Results from the Gait and Brain Study | 2019 | | |
4907 | NE Fritz, AD Kloos, DA Kegelmeyer, P Kaur | Supplementary motor area connectivity and dual-task walking variability in multiple sclerosis | 2019 | |
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