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The Gold Standard in Gait Analysis for 26 years
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Title | # | PA Ospina, ML McNeely | Authors | Year | URL |
1999 | M Miles, V Nadarajah, JJ Jauregui | Evaluation of the PROMIS Physical Function Computer Adaptive Test in Patients Undergoing Knee Surgery | 2019 | | |
1998 | R Korhonen, S Piironen, J Suomi | Virtuaalitodellisuuden kytt auvoverenkiertohiriiden fysioterapiassa-narratiivinen kirjallisuuskatsaus | 2019 | | |
1997 | A Qvarnstrm, M Kivel | Movesole-lypohjallisen hydyntminen jalkaterapeuttisissa tutkimuksissa ja arvioinnissa | 2019 | | |
1996 | JG Donenberg, L Fetters, R Johnson | The effects of locomotor training in children with spinal cord injury: a systematic review | 2019 | | |
1995 | V Zander, RM Johansson-Pajala | Methods to evaluate perspectives of safety, independence, activity, and participation in older persons using welfare technology. A systematic review | 2019 | | |
1994 | D Park, JH Lee, TW Kang, HS Cynn | Four-week training involving ankle mobilization with movement versus static muscle stretching in patients with chronic stroke: a randomized controlled trial | 2019 | | |
1993 | N Steinberg, A Gottlieb, I Siev-Ner | Fall incidence and associated risk factors among people with a lower limb amputation during various stages of recovery–a systematic review | 2019 | | |
1992 | A Oppewal, TIM Hilgenkamp | The dual task effect on gait in adults with intellectual disabilities: is it predictive for falls? | 2019 | | |
1991 | M Stricker, D Hinde, A Rolland, N Salzman | Quantifying step length using two-dimensional video in individuals with Parkinson's disease | 2019 | | |
1990 | K Tisher, K Mann, S VanDyke | Functional measures show improvements after a home exercise program following supervised balance training in older adults with elevated fall risk | 2019 | | |
1989 | K Kane, P Manns, J Lanovaz | Clinician perspectives and experiences in the prescription of ankle-foot orthoses for children with cerebral palsy | 2019 | | |
1988 | B Kelly, M MacKay-Lyons, S Berryman | Casting Protocols Following BoNT-A Injections to Treat Spastic Hypertonia of the Triceps Surae in Children with Cerebral Palsy and Equinus Gait: A Randomized | 2019 | | |
1987 | KJ Kane, JL Lanovaz | Physical therapists' use of evaluation measures to inform the prescription of ankle-foot Orthoses for children with cerebral palsy | 2019 | | |
1986 | S Morrison, KM Newell | Intraindividual variability of neuromotor function predicts falls risk in older adults and those with type 2 diabetes | 2019 | | |
1985 | M Almarwani, JM Van Swearingen | The effect of auditory cueing on the spatial and temporal gait coordination in healthy adults | 2019 | | |
1984 | TJ Faras, MD Laporte, R Sandoval, F Najjar, V Ade | The effect of unilateral blood flow restriction on temporal and spatial gait parameters | 2019 | | |
1983 | C Van Liew, LE Dibble, GR Hunt, KB Foreman | Protective stepping in multiple sclerosis: Impacts of a single session of in-place perturbation practice | 2019 | | |
1982 | A Hochsprung, AG Dominguez, E Magni | Effect of visual biofeedback cycling training on gait in patients with multiple sclerosis | 2019 | | |
1981 | F Feuvrier, B Sijobert, C Azevedo, K Griffiths | Inertial measurement unit compared to an optical motion capturing system in post-stroke individuals with foot-drop syndrome | 2019 | | |
1980 | CN Gerber, L Carcreff, A Paraschiv-Ionescu | Reliability of single-day walking performance and physical activity measures using inertial sensors in children with cerebral palsy | 2019 | | |
1979 | O Tirosh, G Orland, A Eliakim, D Nemet | Repeatability of tibial acceleration measurements made on children during walking and running | 2019 | | |
1978 | R Morris, DN Martini, T Madhyastha, VE Kelly | Overview of the cholinergic contribution to gait, balance and falls in Parkinson's disease | 2019 | | |
1977 | RE Chen, MO Papuga, GT Nicandri, RJ Miller | Preoperative Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) scores predict postoperative outcome in total shoulder arthroplasty patients | 2019 | | |
1976 | HJ Noh, SH Lee, DH Bang | Three-Dimensional Balance Training Using Visual Feedback on Balance and Walking Ability in Subacute Stroke Patients: A Single-Blinded Randomized Controlled | 2019 | | |
1975 | P Decavel, Y Sagawa Jr | Gait quantification in multiple sclerosis: A single-centre experience of systematic evaluation | 2019 | | |
1974 | I Levin, MD Lewek, C Giuliani, R Faldowski, DE Thorpe | Test-Retest Reliability and Minimal Detectable Change for Measures of Balance and Gait in Adults with Cerebral Palsy | 2019 | | |
1973 | J Michalitsis, AT Murphy, B Rawicki, TP Haines | Full length foot orthoses have an immediate treatment effect and modify gait of children with idiopathic toe walking | 2019 | | |
1972 | S van Andel, MH Cole, GJ Pepping | Influence of age and falls incidence on tau guidance of centre of pressure movement during gait initiation | 2019 | | |
1971 | MA Manjra, J Naude, F Birkholtz, V Glatt, K Tetsworth | The relationship between gait and functional outcomes in patients treated with circular external fixation for malunited tibial fractures | 2019 | | |
1970 | P Decavel, T Moulin, Y Sagawa Jr | Gait tests in multiple sclerosis: Reliability and cut-off values | 2019 | | |
1969 | KB Kosik, M Terada, R McCann, A Thomas, N Johnson | Differences in temporal gait mechanics are associated with decreased perceived ankle joint health in individuals with chronic ankle instability | 2019 | | |
1968 | BT Cleland, H Arshad, S Madhavan | Concurrent validity of the GAITRite electronic walkway and the 10-m walk test for measurement of walking speed after stroke | 2019 | | |
1967 | D Conradsson, A Halvarsson | The effects of dual-task balance training on gait in older women with osteoporosis: A randomized controlled trial | 2019 | | |
1966 | RY Wang, FY Wang, SF Huang, YR Yang | High-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation enhanced treadmill training effects on gait performance in individuals with chronic stroke: a double-blinded | 2019 | | |
1965 | A Hallemans, P Van de Walle, L Wyers, K Verheyen | Clinical usefulness and challenges of instrumented motion analysis in patients with intellectual disabilities | 2019 | | |
1964 | S Topuz, E Kirdi, AI Yalcin, O Ulger, H Keklicek | Effects of arm swing on spatiotemporal characteristics of gait in unilateral transhumeral amputees | 2019 | | |
1963 | R Magaldi, I Staff, A Stovall, S Stohler | Impact of Resilience on Outcomes of Total Knee Arthroplasty | 2019 | | |
1962 | N Yl, M Flora, H Frederick, I Patrick, F Kw | Effectiveness of virtual and augmented reality-enhanced exercise on physical activity, psychological outcomes, and physical performance: A systematic review and | 2019 | | |
1961 | A Jellema, T Huysmans, K Hartholt, T van der Cammen | Shoe design for older adults: evidence from a systematic review on the elements of optimal footwear | 2019 | | |
1960 | NAG de Franca, LS Murthy, S Phu, E Liberts, S Vogrin | High parathyroid hormone levels are associated with poor balance in older persons: A cross-sectional study | 2019 | | |
1959 | A Manca, G Martinez, A Cereatti, U Della Croce | Isokinetic predictors of gait speed increase following high-intensity resistance training of the ankle dorsiflexors in people with multiple sclerosis: A pilot study | 2019 | | |
1958 | M Geiger, A Supiot, D Pradon, MC Do, R Zory | Minimal detectable change of kinematic and spatiotemporal parameters in patients with chronic stroke across three sessions of gait analysis | 2019 | | |
1957 | M Smith, R Barker, G Williams, J Carr, R Gunnarsson | The effect of exercise on high-level mobility in individuals with neurodegenerative disease: a systematic literature review | 2019 | | |
1956 | NE Fritz, AD Kloos, DA Kegelmeyer, P Kaur | Supplementary motor area connectivity and dual-task walking variability in multiple sclerosis | 2019 | | |
1955 | JW Chow, DS Stokic | Gait Impairments in Patients Without Lower Limb Hypertonia Early Poststroke Are Related to Weakness of Paretic Knee Flexors | 2019 | | |
1954 | J Houck, D Kang, T Cuddeford, S Rahkola | Ability of Patient-Reported Outcomes to Characterize Patient Acceptable Symptom State (PASS) After Attending a Primary Care Physical Therapist and Medical Doctor | 2019 | | |
1953 | F Arafsha | Configurable Medical Cyber-Physical System Framework for Physical Activity Monitoring | 2019 | | |
1952 | BJH VAN LITH, JD den Boer | Functional effects of botulinum toxin type A in the hip adductors and subsequent stretching in patients with hereditary spastic paraplegia. | 2019 | | |
1951 | JH Kindred, SA Kautz, EC Wonsetler | Single Sessions of High-Definition Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation do not Alter Lower Extremity Biomechanical or Corticomotor Response Variables | 2019 | | |
1950 | GC Lee | Whole-Body Vibration in Horizontal Direction for Stroke Rehabilitation: A Randomized Controlled Trial | 2019 | | |
1949 | A Rodriguez-Molinero, A Herrero-Larrea, A Miñarro | The spatial parameters of gait and their association with falls, functional decline and death in older adults: a prospective study | 2019 | | |
1948 | JM Hoch, C Lorete, J Legner, MC Hoch | The Relationship Among 3 Generic Patient-Reported Outcome Instruments in Patients with Lower Extremity Health Conditions | 2019 | | |
1947 | A Rajavenkatanarayanan, V Kanal, K Tsiakas | A Survey of Assistive Technologies for Assessment and Rehabilitation of Motor Impairments in Multiple Sclerosis | 2019 | | |
1946 | F Arafsha, F Laamarti, A El Saddik | Cyber-Physical System Framework for Measurement and Analysis of Physical Activities | 2019 | | |
1945 | SM Keloth, R Viswanathan, B Jelfs, S Arjunan | Which Gait Parameters and Walking Patterns Show the Significant Differences Between Parkinson's Disease and Healthy Participants? | 2019 | | |
1944 | C Buckley, L Alcock, R McArdle, RZU Rehman | The Role of Movement Analysis in Diagnosing and Monitoring Neurodegenerative Conditions: Insights from Gait and Postural Control | 2019 | | |
1943 | O Janeh, O Fründt, B Schnwald, A Gulberti | Gait Training in Virtual Reality: Short-Term Effects of Different Virtual Manipulation Techniques in Parkinson's Disease | 2019 | | |
1942 | SS Lee, ST Choi, SI Choi | Classification of Gait Type Based on Deep Learning Using Various Sensors with Smart Insole | 2019 | | |
1941 | T Chomiak, AS Sidhu, A Watts, L Su, B Graham, J Wu | Development and Validation of Ambulosono: A Wearable Sensor for Bio-Feedback Rehabilitation Training | 2019 | | |
1940 | J Ballesteros, A Tudela, JR Caro-Romero, C Urdiales | Weight-Bearing Estimation for Cane Users by Using Onboard Sensors | 2019 | | |
1939 | S Sharif Bidabadi, T Tan, I Murray, G Lee | Tracking Foot Drop Recovery Following Lumbar-Spine Surgery, Applying Multiclass Gait Classification Using Machine Learning Techniques | 2019 | | |
1938 | A Coni, S Mellone, M Colpo, JM Guralnik, KV Patel | An Exploratory Factor Analysis of Sensor-Based Physical Capability Assessment | 2019 | | |
1937 | G Juras, A Brachman, J Michalska | Standards of Virtual Reality Application in Balance Training Programs in Clinical Practice: A Systematic Review | 2019 | | |
1936 | EE Blaak, M Blüher, JE Blundell, K Clement, M Fried | Official Organ of | 2019 | | |
1935 | NC Lemke, C Werner, S Wiloth, P Oster, JM Bauer | Transferability and sustainability of motor-cognitive dual-task training in patients with dementia: a randomized controlled trial | 2019 | | |
1934 | 村田伸, 安彦鉄平, 中野英樹, 満丸望 | 幼児の重心動揺と歩行パラメータとの関連 | 2019 | | |
1933 | SR Albin, SL Koppenhaver, R Marcus, L Dibble | Short-Term Effects of Manual Therapy in Patients After Surgical Fixation of Ankle and/or Hindfoot Fracture: A Randomized Clinical Trial | 2019 | | |
1932 | YJ Castaño-Pino, A Navarro, B Muñoz | Using Wavelets for Gait and Arm Swing Analysis | 2019 | | |
1931 | B Muñoz, J Valderrama, J Orozco, Y Castaño | Smart Tracking and Wearables: Techniques in Gait Analysis and Movement in Pathological Aging | 2019 | | |
1930 | J Desrochers, C Frengopoulos | Relationship between body image and physical functioning following rehabilitation for lower-limb amputation | 2019 | | |
1929 | B Muñoz Ospina, JA Valderrama Chaparro | Age Matters: Objective Gait Assessment in Early Parkinson's Disease Using an RGB-D Camera | 2019 | | |
1928 | J Ma, L Gao, T Mi, J Sun, P Chan, T Wu | Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Does Not Improve the Sequence Effect in Freezing of Gait | 2019 | | |
1927 | S Winiarski, J Pietraszewska | Three-Dimensional Human Gait Pattern: Reference Data for Young, Active Women Walking with Low, Preferred, and High Speeds | 2019 | | |
1926 | A Skiba, J Marchewka, A Skiba, S Podsiadło | Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Nordic Walking Training in Improving the Gait of Persons with Down Syndrome | 2019 | | |
1925 | S Shin, B Lim, MJ Socie, JJ Sosonff | Fourier-Based Footfall Placement Variability in Parkinson's Disease | 2019 | | |
1924 | AP Horin, ME McNeely, EC Harrison | Usability of a daily mHealth application designed to address mobility, speech and dexterity in Parkinson's disease | 2019 | | |
1923 | JE Wittwer, ME Morris, M Winbolt | A program of home-based, music-cued movement is feasible and may improve gait in progressive supranuclear palsy | 2019 | | |
1922 | C Lu, E Twedell, R Elbasher, M McCabe | Avoiding virtual obstacles during treadmill gait in Parkinson's disease | 2019 | | |
1921 | YJ Um, HY Jang, SM Lee | Taping Therapy Simultaneously applied to the Ankle and Hip Joint: Effect on Balance and Gait in Patients with Chronic Stroke | 2019 | | |
1920 | JS Lee, K Kim, YM Kim | Effect of Action Observation by Subject Type on the Balance and the Gait of Stroke Patients | 2019 | | |
1919 | CL Banks, VL Little, ER Walker, C Patten | Lower Extremity Long-Latency Reflexes Differentiate Walking Function After Stroke | 2019 | | |
1918 | MHG Monje, G Foffani, J Obeso | New Sensor and Wearable Technologies to Aid in the Diagnosis and Treatment Monitoring of Parkinson's Disease | 2019 | | |
1917 | DJ Jaskowak | Detecting Transient Changes in Gait Using Fractal Scaling of Gait Variability in Conjunction with Gaussian Continuous Wavelet Transform | 2019 | | |
1916 | B Cornish | Characterizing the Variability of Kinematic Outcome Measures and Compensatory Movements using Inertial Measurement Units | 2019 | | |
1915 | AK Rao, ED Louis | Ataxic Gait in Essential Tremor: A Disease-associated Feature? | 2019 | | |
1914 | M Britt | Potential relationships between lower extremity structural alignment and toe angle during static and dynamic activities | 2019 | | |
1913 | SA Sackey | The effects of an eight-week customised endurance-training programme on running kinematics and impact associated with fatigue in recreational runners | 2019 | | |
1912 | N Lfgren, D Conradsson, L Rennie | The effects of integrated single-and dual-task training on automaticity and attention allocation in Parkinson's disease: A secondary analysis from a randomized trial. | 2019 | | |
1911 | N Abid | RGB-Depth Based Gait Data Analysis for Asymmetry Detection | 2019 | | |
1910 | J Barth, B Eskofier, J Hannink, J Klucken | Method and System for Analyzing Human Gait | 2019 | | |
1909 | E Ojardias, OD Aze, D Luneau | The Effects of Anodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on the Walking Performance of Chronic Hemiplegic Patients | 2019 | | |
1908 | M Song, A Lieberman, T Fife, M Nielsen | A prospective study on gait dominant normal pressure hydrocephalus | 2019 | | |
1907 | JT Lin, CJ Hsu, W Dee, D Chen, WZ Rymer, M Wu | Motor adaptation to weight shifting assistance transfers to overground walking in people with spinal cord injury | 2019 | | |
1906 | J Yeung, D Catolico, N Fullmer, R Daniel, R Lovell | Evaluating the Sensoria Smart Socks Gait Monitoring System for Rehabilitation Outcomes | 2019 | | |
1905 | HF Hart, KD Gross, KM Crossley | Is step rate associated with worsening of patellofemoral and tibiofemoral joint osteoarthritis in women and men? The Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study | 2019 | | |
1904 | S Stewart, N Dalbeth, A Aiyer | Objectively‐assessed foot and ankle characteristics in people with systemic lupus erythematosus: a comparison with age‐and sex‐matched controls | 2019 | | |
1903 | X Cui, Z Zhao, C Ma, F Chen, H Liao | A Gait Character Analyzing System for Osteoarthritis Pre-diagnosis Using RGB-D Camera and Supervised Classifier | 2019 | | |
1902 | D Gebhard | Bewegung und Demenz | 2019 | | |
1901 | R Santos-Rocha, M Branco, L Aguiar, F Vieira | Biomechanical Adaptations of Gait in Pregnancy: Implications for Physical Activity and Exercise | 2019 | | |
1900 | SM Mo, J Hwang, JH Kim, MC Jung | The Ergonomic Design of Wearable Robot Based on the Shoulder Kinematic Analysis by Walking Speed | 2019 | |
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